Bombay Rose is a Hindi animated film. All the characters are created using paint on a computer that was done by 60 artists over 18 months. This film is directed by famous theater actor and filmmaker Gitanjali Rao. Bombay Rose is the love story film of Kamala and Salim.
Bombay Rose Basic Information
All the basic information related to Bombay Rose film like Director, Producer, Writer, Star Cast, Production Company, IMDb Ratings, Platform name where it distributed, Time Durations, etc. are mentioned in this table which is as follows:-
Title | Bombay Rose |
Content-Type | Movie |
Language | Hindi |
Genres | Animation, Romance |
Total Episodes | No Episodes |
No. of Seasons | Season 1 |
Running Time | 93 Min. (1 Hr. 33 Min.) |
IMDb Ratings | 6.3⭐ / 10⭐ |
Release Date | 4 December 2020 |
Platform | Netflix |
Production Company | Cinestaan Film Company |
Directed By | Gitanjali Rao |
Written By | Gitanjali Rao |
Produced By | Anand Mahindra, Rohit Khattar |
Main Star Cast | Amit Deondi, Cyli Khare, Anurag Kashyap, Makrand Deshpande, Geetanjali Kulkarni, Shishir Sharma, Virendra Saxena, Amardeep Jha |
Bombay Rose Cast
All the cast name who give their voice to present the Bombay Rose film are as follows:-
Cyli Khare as KamalaAmit Deondi as Salim
Anurag Kashyap as Raja Khan
Makrand Deshpande as Mike
Geetanjali Kulkarni as Flower Seller
Shishir Sharma as Anthony Pereira
Virendra Saxena as Kamala's Grandfather
Amardeep Jha as Mrs. D'Souza
Bombay Rose Story
Bombay Rose is the love story of Salim and Kamla who lives in Mumbai. But a love story is not possible without problems. In this film, they face a lot of problems in their love story but still, they stand for each other.
Bombay Rose Release Date
The Bombay Rose film will release on Netflix on 4 December 2020.
Bombay Rose Trailer
The Trailer of the Bombay Rose film are as follows:-
nice animated trailer