Cash Movie 2021 is an Indian Hindi Language Comedy-Drama movie. This movie is released on DisneyPlus Hotstar. This movie was directed by Rishab Seth. The star cast is Amol Parashar, Smiriti Kalra, Kavin Dave, Gulshan Grover, Swanand Kirkire, and other actors.
Here we have all the information related to Cash's release date, cast, plot, and other details.
All the basic information related to Cash movie like Director, Producer, Writer, Star Cast, Production Company, IMDb Ratings, Platform name where it distributed, Time Durations, etc. are mentioned in this table which is as follows:-
Title | Cash |
Content-Type | Movie |
Language | Hindi |
Genres | Comedy, Drama |
Total Episodes | No Episodes |
No. of Seasons | Season 1 |
Running Time | 1 Hour 58 Minutes |
IMDb Ratings | 7.7⭐/ 10⭐ |
OTT Platform | Disney+ Hotstar |
Production Company | Va Va Voom |
Director | Rishab Seth |
Writer | Vishesh Bhatt, Rishab Seth, Aarsh Vora |
Producer | Vishesh Bhatt |
Main Star Cast | Amol Parashar, Smiriti Kalra, Kavin Dave, Gulshan Grover, Swanand Kirkire |
Cash Cast
The main starring cast of the Cash movie are as follows:-
Star Cast
Complete Cast List of Cash Movie
The full list of Cash movie cast are as follows:-
Cast Real Name | Role Play Name |
Amol Parashar | Update Soon |
Smiriti Kalra | Update Soon |
Kavin Dave | Update Soon |
Gulshan Grover | Update Soon |
Swanand Kirkire | Update Soon |
Anand Alkunte | Tukaram Pingle |
Cash Movie Story
The Cash movie's story revolves around the demonetization events. Two teenagers have devised a scheme to become wealthy by swapping the old, banned currency.
Will they be able to achieve their dream or will they face new dangers? Watch the Cash movie on DisneyPlus Hotstar.
Cash Movie Release Date
The Release Date of the Cash movie is 19 November 2021. This movie will be released on DisneyPlus Hotstar App and website also. You need to take a subscription to watch the Cash movie.
Cash Trailer
The Cash Movie Hindi Trailer which is released on DisneyPlus Hotstar Youtube Channel are as follows:-
Frequently Asked Question
FAQ 1: Can we watch the Cash movie with the Family?
Ans. Yes, the Cash movie is a Comedy-Drama film, you can watch this film with your family. But keep in mind that DisneyPlus Hotstar already mentions that it is a 13+ age limit movie.
FAQ 2: Where to watch the Cash movie 2021?
Ans. The Cash movie was released on 19th November 2021 on Disney Plus Hotstar. The release time will be at 12:00 A.M.
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