Campus Diaries is a college comedy-drama web series that is released on the MX Player Platform. This series was directed by Prem Mistry. The starring cast is Harsh Beniwal, Ritvik Sahore, Abhinav Sharma, Saloni Gaur, Saloni Khanna, Srishti Rindani, etc.
Here are the details of the Campus Diaries release date, cast, plot, and much more.
All the basic information related to the Campus Diaries like Director, Producer, Writer, Star Cast, Production Company, IMDb Ratings, Platform name where it is distributed, Time Durations, etc. are mentioned in this table which is as follows:-
Title | Campus Diaries |
Content-Type | Web Series |
Language | Hindi |
Genres | College, Comedy, Drama |
Total Episodes | 12 Episodes |
No. of Seasons | Season 1 |
Running Time | 35-50 Min. / Episode (Total 8 Hours) |
IMDb Ratings | 9.7⭐ / 10⭐ |
OTT Platform | MX Player |
Production Company | MX Player Production, Streamline Productions, Yellow Montage |
Directed By | Prem Mistry |
Written By | Abhishek Yadav |
Produced By | Abhishek Yadav, Prem Mistry |
Cinematography by | Jerin Paul |
Series Casting by | Yash Nagarkoti |
Costume Design by | Nikita Wanvari |
Main Star Cast | Harsh Beniwal, Ritvik Sahore, Abhinav Sharma, Saloni Gaur, Saloni Khanna, Srishti Rindani |
Campus Diaries Cast
The main starring cast of the Campus Diaries web series are as follows:-
Star Cast
Complete Cast list of Campus Diaries web series
The full list of Campus Diaries web series cast list is as follows:-
Primary Cast
Cast Real Name | Role Play Name |
Harsh Beniwal | Sudheer |
Ritvik Sahore | Abhilash |
Abhinav Sharma | Raghav |
Saloni Gaur | Priyanka |
Saloni Khanna | Sushmita (as Salonie Patel) |
Srishti Rindani | Sanya |
Secondary Cast
Cast Real Name | Role Play Name |
Gulshan Nain | Goldie Bhaiya |
Shubham Tiwari | Rahil |
Sahil Kumar | Sudhanshu |
Himanshu Khanna | Goon Student |
Ranjan Raj | Inquillab |
Rajesh Yadav | Sandy |
Lovekush | Canteen Guy |
Ramandeep Yadav | Prithviraj |
Piyush Katal | Tomar |
Chetan Raghav | Ronnie |
Durga Kamboj | Girl Freshie |
Sayyad Alam | Leader Freshie |
Rohit | Bihari Freshie |
Gaurav | Nord Freshie |
Rajni Bajaj | Mrs. Gupta |
Ishroop Kaur | Vibha |
Aryaman Gunjha | Pinki |
Rishab Joshi | Jammie |
Manoj Joshi | Dean Amrit Sir |
Campus Diaries Story
The story of the Campus Diaries web series revolves around Six students of Excel University. This series isn't your typical college drama because it goes beyond the typical frolic and friendship plots that most youth dramas portray and tackles important but under-reported issues like ragging, societal biases-based discrimination, one-sided love stories, rampant drug abuse, and toxic relationships that shape your personality and prepare you to face the real world.
Campus Diaries Release Date
The Release Date of the Campus Diaries web series is 07th January 2022. This web series will be released on MX Player App and website also. MX Player is a free platform, where you no need to pay any amount of money to watch Campus Diaries.
Campus Diaries Trailer
The trailer of the Campus Diaries web series which is released on MX Player Youtube Channel are as follows:-
Frequently Asked Question
FAQ 1: Can we watch the Campus Diaries web series with Family?
Ans. The MX Player already mention that the Campus Diaries web series is only for age above 16+, this web series contain smoking, drinking, and some sexual talks which makes this series into adult web series. So I recommend you, don't watch the Campus Diaries web series with your family.
FAQ 2: When and Where I can watch Campus Diaries Web Series Online?
Ans. On 07th January 2021, Campus Diaries was released on MX Player. It is a free platform where you do not need to pay any amount of money.
FAQ 3: What is the release time of Campus Diaries Web Series on MX Player?
Ans. At, Midnight (12:01 A.M.) of 07th January 2021, Campus Diaries was released on MX Player.
FAQ 4: In which place, Campus Diaries Web Series shoot?
Ans. Chandigarh, Punjab, India.
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