Dhamaka is a Bollywood Crime-Thriller film which was directed by Ram Madhvani. This movie is released on Netflix's OTT Platform. Ronnie Screwvala, Amita Madhvani, and Ram Madhvani are the producers of this film. Karthik Aryan will be seen in the lead role in the film.
Here are the details of the Dhamaka release date, cast, and plot, and much more.
All the basic information related to Dhamaka movie like Director, Producer, Writer, Star Cast, Production Company, IMDb Ratings, Platform name where it distributed, Time Durations, etc. are mentioned in this table which is as follows:-
Title | Dhamaka |
Content-Type | Movie |
Language | Hindi, English |
Genres | Crime, Thriller, Mystery |
Total Episodes | No Episodes |
No. of Seasons | Season 1 |
Running Time | 1 Hour 44 Minutes |
IMDb Ratings | 9.5⭐ / 10⭐ |
OTT Platform | Netflix |
Production Company | Globalgate Entertainment, Lotte Cultureworks, Lotte Entertainment, RSVP, Ram Madhvani Films |
Director | Ram Madhvani |
Writer | Ram Madhvani, Puneet Sharma |
Producer | Amita Madhvani, Ram Madhvani, Ronnie Screwvala |
Main Star Cast | Mrunal Thakur, Kartik Aaryan, Amruta Subhash |
Dhamaka Cast
The main starring cast of Dhamaka movie are as follows:-
Star Cast
Complete Cast List of Dhamaka Movie
The full list of Dhamaka Movie cast are as follows:-
Cast Real Name | Role Play Name |
Kartik Aaryan | Arjun Pathak |
Mrunal Thakur | Soumya Mehra Pathak |
Amruta Subhash | Ankita Malaskar |
Vishwajeet Pradhan | Subhash Mathur |
Vikas Kumar | Praveen Kamath |
Soham Majumdar | Anand Mhata |
Aeklavya Tomer | Asif Alam |
Aishwarya Chaudhary | Mala Singh |
Mahender Singh | Bisht Kumar |
Ritviq Joshi | Raunak Goyal |
Dilip Vasu | Jay Reddy |
Ashish Ranglani | Ashish Tripuri |
Dhwani Acharya | Ketki Sinha |
Anuj Gurwara | Manas Sethi |
Priya Tandon | Kripa Ved |
Samriddhi Chandola | Karuna Shah |
Tuhinanshu Chaturvedi | Abhimanyu Murthi |
Dhamaka Movie Story
Dhamaka film is a remake of the Korean film Terror Live and Kartik will be playing the role of a journalist in this film. But this journalist's life changes when he covers the live broadcast of the Mumbai terrorist attack.
Dhamaka Release Date
The Release Date of the Dhamaka movie is 19th November 2021. This movie was released on Netflix App and website also. If you want to watch Dhamaka movie online on Netflix then you need to take a subscription plan.
Dhamaka Trailer
Dhamaka movie Hindi trailer has been dropped on Youtube which is given below:-
Frequently Asked Question
FAQ 1: Can we watch the Dhamaka movie with the Family?
Ans. Yes, the Dhamaka movie is a Crime-Thriller film, you can watch this film with your family. But keep in mind that DisneyPlus Hotstar already mentions that it is a 13+ age limit movie.
FAQ 2: Where to watch the Dhamaka movie 2021?
Ans. The Dhamaka movie was released on 19th November 2021 on Netflix. The release time will be at 01:30 P.M.
FAQ 3: Dhamaka Movie is a remake of which movie?
Ans. Dhamaka film is a remake of the Korean film "Terror Live".
FAQ 4: Did Kartik Aaryan dies in the Dhamaka movie?
Ans. Yes, At the ending of Dhamaka Movie, Kartik Aaryan who played the role of Arjun Pathak Died.
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